Thursday, May 5, 2011

Slaves in the war, Sammi Redder, Deborah

This is a Muster Roll of Captain Squire N. Osburn's Company A of the 46th Regiment of the U.S. Infantry Colored. It shows the soldiers who are former Arkansas slaves.Click here for a larger image. You can also find many more primary documents on slaves and the army on the link.
On July 17, 1862 Lincoln authorized the use of African Americans in federal service by issuing the Second Confiscation and Militia Act.

Later, on January 1, 1863 the Emancipation Proclamation was issued allowing African Americans to serve in the army. It freed all the slaves in the states that had seceded from the Union.This caused about 186,000 Africans to sign up for the army and 30,000 joined the navy. The Proclamation strengthened the North politically and militarily. Click here for all five pages.

Emancipation Proclamation, page 1
The Massachusetts 54th Regiment was commanded by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. When the regiment found out that they were getting unequal pay they protested by not accepting any pay. In 1864 the War Department made it so everyone got equal pay. The 54th Regiment was famous for being one of the bravest troops on their attack on Fort Wagner. They had great losses and had to retreat.
At first Lincoln insisted that the war wasn't for freeing the slaves, but to preserve the Union because of this Africans weren't allowed to sign up. Prior to the war blacks worked on navel ships for years and were accepted into the navy. On August 6, 1861 fugitive slaves were declared as "contraband of war" if they had been used to help the Confederacy in anyway they were freed. The South was using the slaves to help with the  war when the North was refusing any help. After the North had a big victory Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. This is an illustration by Thomas Nast showing the Emancipation Proclamation.

Artist Statement
Our quilt piece has the Emancipation Proclamation in the background to represent the freedom and rights of the slaves ability to serve in the army. The Proclamation is also a connection to 2011 because the Emancipation Proclamation is still valid. In the front there is an African American man with a red blindfold and whip marks on his back. The red represents the blood that the slaves shed and the blindfold shows how the slaves were blinded from knowledge and their future was hidden from them. The whip marks show the poor treatment and inequality the slaves faced. The man’s thought bubbles show what his people have gone through in the U.S. and the big parts they played in the war. The binoculars and shovel show that the Africans were used as guards’ men and laborers. In the third thought bubble there is an African American man with a gun to represent them serving in the armies. As a border the left side is red to illustrate the Confederacy and the blue to show the North. “Slaves in the Civil War” is written on one side to show our topic.


  1. Is that poster real or fake?


  2. Wow racism was big in civil war times.

    - Sofia

  3. You have a lot of pictures, good job!

  4. The poster is real and yes racism was very big. Thanks, I'm glad you like it! :)
    Sammi R.
