Thursday, May 12, 2011

Artist Statements- Maya H. and Ana W. - Sarahs Office

Maya's Artist Statement
                    Our quilt piece is about post civil war segregation. We chose this because we thought it was important for people to know about. Segregation was a huge event in history. Many people were involved and effected.  There were many states that participated, but mostly on the east coast. African Americans were put in a stituation where they had to sit at the back of the bus, drink from a seperate drinking fountain, to to different schools, have seperate bathrooms and many other things that made life a lot harder for them. They were discrimated against and murdered. The Ku-Klux-Klan kidnapped and killed African Americans across the country. Our quilt square has an American flag that is being burned. This represents the idea of no slavery being defeated and put down. We also have an outline of the U.S. and half of it's white and half of it's black or brown. There are two arrows seperating the two. This represents the idea of segregation for the U.S. 

                                                          Ana's artist statement
                         Our quilt square is about the post civil war segregation. We chose to do segregation because it played an big part in the post civil war.Many people were involved and effected in some kind of way.Many states were involved in segregation such as California.African Americans were the ones who had to do every thing seperate then white people.The Ku Klux Klan kidnapped and murdered African Americans every ware.Our quilt square has a American flag on it thats all torn up and on fire,there is the out line of  the us half white and half black.

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