Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Plessy vs. Ferguson-Emerald/Jackson-Mr. Bossman Jansa

Emerald's Artist Statement
Our subject is the trial of Plessy vs. Ferguson. This was a trial of an African American named Mr. Plessy vs. a white man named Mr. Ferguson in court. What happened was that Plessy was 7/8ths black and he sat on an all white bus, so he got in trouble and was defending himself against Ferguson. In the end, Ferguson won. This played a big part in racism and hatred against all sides, for equality and against it. Our quilt piece shows how this happened, kind of. On the left is a drawing of Plessy, and on the Right is a drawing of Ferguson. There is a squiggly line dividing them. The hammer thingy slamming down upon the table represents the judgment that was made by the judge. Behind the two people are their beliefs and what they would say. That is what our quilt piece is all about!

Jackson's Artist Statement
Plessy vs. Ferguson was a big part in the process of stopping segregation. Plessy, who looked white but was 7/8 black, was arrested because of staying on the “white” part of the bus and not moving. Ferguson was angered by that and put Plessy on trial. The subsequent rivalry angered many people, on both sides for many reasons. For some, it was because the Judge may have made a racisProxy-Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0 20decision, others, how defiant Plessy was, and for many others it was because Plessy lost. Our quilt symbolizes how this court case could be put into pictures. There is Plessy on one side with his opinions with him. On the other side, there is Ferguson, with his thoughts. The gavel in the middle symbolizes how it was in court. There are also black and white busses on the border for where it all started.

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