Tuesday, May 3, 2011

artist statement julia rubino michaels office

My topic was getysburg. So for my quilt I drew a soldier from the union holding an American flag to show the union won the battle. The quilt also shows general Robert e. lee running away from the other soldier this is supposed to represent that by wining the battle general George g. meade ended Robert e. lee’s invasion on the north. In front of both of them there are many gravestones I drew them because in this battle more people died than in any other battle that had ever happened in North America and since. Even thought the battle didn’t win the war or achieve any major goal for the north or the south it is still the most significant battle of the civil war.


  1. this is really interesting! i didnt know all that information about the battle of getysburg especially the stuff about Robert E Lee

  2. Thanks! I didn't realize that Robert E. Lee had led this battle.
