Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Battle Tactics-Gopal and Emerald-Michael's Office

Our topic is battle tactics in the Civil War. Here is our artist statement and pictures all related to our  quilt and topic. Enjoy.

Artist Statement:
Our topic is Battle Stradigies and plans in the Civil War. Our quilt shows where the troops were, and the stradegy of placing your troops in the right places. The stradigies of the battles is what made you WIN the battle, instead of just blindly rushing into the war. The red lines are the Confederate troops troops, the blue lines are the Union troops. It also shows the Confederate and Union generals leading the troops. The rivers in the area is the blue squiggly lines. This is a map of the battle of Gettyburg.

Here are some pictures:

Sorry we could upload the pictures because the computer would not  let us and was being a butthead. We will explain the pictures by memory. We apologize for any inconvenience. Stupid computer. >:(

1 comment:

  1. It's kind of weird that they would just line their guys up and make them shoot randomly. They were kind of stupid.
