Monday, May 2, 2011

Anna Rollins and Cybelle Corwin-Michaels Office-Ft. wagner pictures and Artist Statement

 Artist Statement

Cybelle and I chose the battle of Ft. Wagner as our topic. Though this battle was one of many, it was the first one ever to have African Americans fight in it. The North aloud them to because they believed that everyone should be able to fight. It built a start to the civil war. The battle of Ft. Wagner came in two parts one on July 11, 1863 and the second on July 18, 1863. The second battle is much better known because of its intensity. More union forces were killed than Confederate. If those African American troops had not fought in the 148 years ago today segregation might have been even worse than it has ever been. In this picture the two men on the left show the Unions forces and the single man on the right represents the Confederate force. It is a simple drawing of how the white man and black man joined in the north.

 shows how the African Americans got to fight int ft. Wagner on the Unions side!

it was right next to the ocean and mt. Wagner

where the battle was

token of the battle


  1. WOW!! I like your project! Is one of those pictures your quilt piece? (2nd to last)

    ~Katie O

  2. i didnt know all this about the battle of Ft. Wagner! i had no idea that if it werent foir the african american soldiers then the union probally wouldnt of won the battle.

  3. It's really interesting that this was the first battle that African Americans were allowed to take part in. I like your pictures! -Grace

  4. 54th MA. Regiment fought in this battle. I didnt know it was split into two parts. The picture of the toke is cool.
